Monday, January 12, 2009

Dignified Doggies

I love it when my love of dogs and my love of sewing with neckties overlaps.
Andrea makes dog collars from old neckties, but with a twist--they have a hanging necktie in front
(photo from abracapocus pocuscadabra on Flickr)

I asked Andrea if she had a photo of her pup Chuck wearing his tie.
She said she had a photo of her brother's dog.
Here is Wallace the Pit Bull wearing his necktie.
(isn't he CUTE?! He even has his own fan club!)
(flickr page)

I'm not kidding when I say I talked to Wallace's photo for five minutes when I first saw it.
"oh MISTER! You are SO CUTE!..."
My friend Tracie would laugh out loud if she read this.
She and I both get all squeaky around cute doggies :)



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